In patients with heart failure, proper nutrition and regular exercise play an important role in their health.
In patients with heart failure, proper nutrition plays an important role in their health. Proper nutrition can reduce the symptoms of the disease, reduce your need for some medications, and improve drug deficiencies.
Considering these nutritional points is important:
Food salt restriction:
Salt causes water to accumulate in the body, which leads to exacerbation of the shortness of breath and swelling in the body, and the heart also needs to work harder. Reduce salt intake by less than 4 grams per day. The following will help you reduce your daily salt intake:
The amount of daily salt you need in foods is available, so do not add salt to food or remove salt from your food when cooking and eating.
To taste your own food, instead of salt, use spices and seasonings, such as garlic, onions, sweet peppers, lemon juice, basil, pone and sweet peppers. You can use these detergents in fresh or dried form during meals.
The fresh vegetables and salads have a few salt vegetables and you can use but do not add them to the sauce. You can add lemon juice or vinegar to them.
Fresh fruits have little salt and use, but avoid composting fruits and industrial juices.
Fresh meat, chicken and fish, yogurt and low fat milk, eggs, legumes and rice do not have much salt and you can eat, but do not add salt when cooking.
Avoid using industrially prepared foods such as canned food, sausages, sausages and smoked foods because their salt content is high.
Limit the consumption of cheese because most of them have high salt content.
Be sure to consider the amount of salt you choose and the variety without salt to choose from.
Try to read the salt content of foods from their labels and choose low-salt types.
Fluid intake:
Most patients with heart failure can use enough fluids (water, tea, soup, milk …) (two to three liters a day), but they should be avoided too much. In some patients whose swelling is not controlled or their sodium is low, fluid restrictions (less than two liters per day) are required in which case your doctor will advise you.
A simple way to know how much salt and fluid you use is to measure daily weight. Weigh every morning after breakfast and before eating. Your weight should be approximately constant. If your weight exceeds two kilograms, you probably are swollen. Restrict your salt and call your doctor.
Alcohol: Avoid drinking alcohol, and especially if your heart failure is related to alcohol, you should avoid drinking any kind of alcoholic beverages altogether.
Low cholesterol diet:
In many patients with heart failure, there is also coronary artery stenosis, and in this case, a low-cholesterol diet is also needed: avoiding butter and animal oils, using low-fat meat, separating the chicken skin, using oil Herbs like olive oil and sesame oil.
Other dietary recommendations:
You may have other illnesses, such as diabetes, high blood fat, gout, and pulmonary disease with heart failure, in which case you should receive a dietary advice from a dietitian. If you are losing weight, you should consult with a nutritionist so that you can get enough calories to reach your weight and in the event of obesity, a consultation with a nutritionist is required.
All of the recommendations above are for patient education and may vary with specialist doctor’s opinion.
Physical exercise in patients with heart failure
Regular exercise in patients with heart failure has many benefits:
Performing physical exercises by the patient increases the patient’s tolerance to fatigue, decreases the occurrence of shortness of breath and improves endurance and endurance of physical activity. This enables them to do their most homework and daily work.
Also, physical training reduces patients’ depression and improves their general health. Aerobic exercises that take the form of walking, cycling, running smoothly and in particular home-fitness exercises on bicycle calendars will increase the physical fitness of the patient. Performing strength training by the patient not only improves muscle strength and muscle, but also increases muscular endurance. Physical activity also affects the function of the heart muscle and the volume of the impact.
You need to consult with your health care team to start an exercise program. If you do not have the forbidden conditions of sports, they will do a sporting test and will take you to the type of exercise.
They guide it. For further guidance, it is best to go to the heart rehab centers and start the exercise first at these centers.
Patients with chronic heart failure should start the rehab program once they have been discharged from the care facility to ensure that hospitalization is stopped.
Aerobic activity is usually preferred in which the severity and duration of physical activity sessions are gradually increased. Initially, physical activity should be supervised by a doctor.
Examples of Increasing Aerobic Exercise for Patients with Chronic Heart Disease:
During the first 4 weeks, the sessions begin with a 10-minute warm-up in walking or cycling, and then the intensity of physical activity increases to moderate intensity for 10 minutes and continues for 5 minutes at low intensity he does.
This program is performed consecutively 2 times a weekBut 3 times a week, it repeats itself 4 times in the third week.
The training program is the third week in the 8-4 weeks.
There are numerous sports exercises that you can visit at rehabilitation centers and repeat in daily life.